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117 lines
# CKXKER.MAK, Version 1.1, 18 May 88
# -- Makefile to build C-Kermit for Minix,
# -- using Lattice 3.10 compiler under MS-DOS.
# -- using Lattice make utility "lmk"
# Before proceeding, rename this file to "lmkfile", chop cktker.inp off the
# bottom, and set the include path variable so Lattice can find <.h> and
# <sys/.h> files. e.g.
# 'set INCLUDE=\minix\usr\include\'
# for minix /usr/include files in the DOS directory \minix\usr\include.
# Perhaps there's a way to do this SET from the makefile ???
# Notes:
# Since wart is run on DOS to generate ckcpro.c, some fiddling
# has to be done to avoid getting MINIX stdio.h and ctype.h
# compiled into wart.exe.
# Compile and Link variables:
LIB=a:\\ # where DOS library is
MXLIB=a:\\ # where MINIX library is
TMP=c: # where compiler temporary files go
# Use this macro if debug and transaction logging is required.
CFLAGS=-ms -n -cw -v -q$(TMP) -u -i./ -dV7 -dDEBUG -dTLOG -dMINIX
# Disabling debugging appears (surprisingly) to offer very little
# improvement (other than a 10K size decrease).
# CFLAGS=-ms -n -cw -v -q$(TMP) -u -i./ -dV7 -dMINIX
# Dependencies Section:
wermit.out: wermit.exe
dos2out -p wermit
wermit.exe: ckcmai.obj ckucmd.obj ckuusr.obj ckuus2.obj ckuus3.obj \
ckcpro.obj ckcfns.obj ckcfn2.obj ckucon.obj ckxtio.obj \
ckxfio.obj ckudia.obj ckuscr.obj
link $(MXLIB)crtso.obj emlib.obj setjmp.obj @cktker.inp, \
ckcmai.obj: ckcmai.c ckcker.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckuusr.obj: ckuusr.c ckucmd.h ckcker.h ckuusr.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckuus2.obj: ckuus2.c ckucmd.h ckcker.h ckuusr.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckuus3.obj: ckuus3.c ckucmd.h ckcker.h ckuusr.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckucmd.obj: ckucmd.c ckucmd.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckcpro.obj: ckcpro.c ckcker.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckcfns.obj: ckcfns.c ckcker.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckcfn2.obj: ckcfn2.c ckcker.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckxfio.obj: ckxfio.c ckcker.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckxtio.obj: ckxtio.c ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckucon.obj: ckucon.c ckcker.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckudia.obj: ckudia.c ckcker.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
ckuscr.obj: ckuscr.c ckcker.h ckcdeb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*
# Be careful building wart - it must use Lattice (i.e DOS) include files,
# not MINIX ones. Hence not part of the main target.
# ckcpro.c: ckcpro.w wart.exe
# wart ckcpro.w ckcpro.c
# wart: ckwart.o
# $(CC) $(LNKFLAGS) -o wart ckwart.o
# ckwart.o: ckwart.c
# ***********************************************************************
# The following text is the input file cktker.inp, for the MS-DOS linker.
# It is included as part of this file to keep the fragments of the build
# files in one place. Remove it from this file before attempting to use
# lmk.
# ***********************************************************************
ckcmai.obj ckucmd.obj ckuusr.obj ckuus2.obj ckuus3.obj +
ckcpro.obj ckcfns.obj ckcfn2.obj ckucon.obj ckxtio.obj +
ckxfio.obj ckudia.obj ckuscr.obj